Table 13 — Keyboard Directory (cont)
Keyboard Entry Display Description
AO CTRL Configuration of analog temperature/
preheat coil control
MPG X Master proportional gain
MIG X Master integral gain
MDG X Master derivative gain
SMG X Submaster gain
SCV X Submaster center value
FOV X Fan off value
SEN X Controlling temperature sensor
SMR X Submaster reference value
SMR X Submaster reference value forced
DO CTRL Configuration of discrete output control
SEN X Controlling temperature sensor
TYP X Discrete output logic type
HYS X Hysteresis
SERVHIST Service history
SDAY X Number of starts in the last 24 hours
STX Total number of starts
FH X Total number of fan run hours
DOW HH:MM Day of week and time of the last Start
DOW HH:MM Day of week and time of the last Stop
SRV/MTN Configuration of service/maintenance
SMAL X Service/maintenance alarm limit
(hours x 1000)
SMEH X Service/maintenance elapsed hours
(hours x 1000)
OVRDHIST History of timed overrides
OHR X Hours of timed overrides
Keyboard Entry Display Description
SETPOINT System set points
OHSP X Occupied heating set point
OCSP X Occupied cooling set point
UHSP X Unoccupied heating set point
UCSP X Unoccupied cooling set point
SPSP X Static pressure set point
SASP X Supply air set point
CFSP X Delta CFM set point
HUSP X Humidity set point
AOSP X Analog temperature control set point
DOSP X Discrete temperature control set point
Q1SP X Air quality 1 set point
Q2SP X Air quality 2 set point
OVSP X Outside air velocity pressure set point
DEMAND Demand limit set points
DL1 X Demand limit set point 1
DL2 X Demand limit set point 2
TIME Configuration of current time and date
DAY.HH.MM Current day of the week and time
MM.DD.YY Current date
DAYLIGHT Configuration of daylight savings time
ENM X Daylight savings time starts—month
END X Daylight savings time starts—day
ENT X Daylight savings time starts—time
LVM X Daylight savings time ends—month
LVD X Daylight savings time ends—day
LVT X Daylight savings time ends—time
HOLIDAY Configuration of holidays
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)
MM.DD.DUR Holiday month, day & duration
(days long)