| NO |
Isdoorswitchclosed? | Iscircuitbreakerclosed? | YES | Checkforcontinuityinwirefromcircuitbreaker tofurnace. | ClosecircuitbreakerandgobacktoSTART. | Checkroomthermostator interconnectingcable. | NO | Is24VpresentatW,Y1(ifpresent),Y/Y2or Gthermostatterminalsonthefurnacecontrol? | YES | Disconnectallthethermostatwiresfromthe furnacecontrol. | Doestheproblemrepeatwhenusing ajumperwire? | NO | Thethermostatisnotcompatiblewiththe furnacecontrol.Eitherinstallaballastresistor, connecttheCom24Vthermostatterminalto thethermostat,orreplacethethermostat. |
NO | NO |
| NO |
| YES |
Isdoorswitchclosed? | YES | switch? | YES |
| Isthere115Vgoingto |
| Replacedoorswitch. | Replacetransformer. | |
NO |
| NO |
Isthere115VatL1andL2? | YES | YES | Replacefurnacecontrol. | Checkforcorrectlinevoltagepolarity.Ifunits | |
NO |
| YES |
NO To recall status code briefly remove and reconnect one RED wire from the draft safeguard switch to display stored status code. On RED LED control do not remove power or blower access panel before initiating status code recall. You can also recall the previous status code by momentarily shorting the TEST/TWIN terminal to Com24V terminal until the LED goes out. LED will flash the status code of the previous fault or status code #11 (1 short and 1 long flash) if there was no previous fault. After the control repeats the code 4 times, the control will go through a brief component test sequence. The inducer will start and run for the entire component test. The HSI, blower motor FAN speed (AMBER LED boards only) HEAT speed, and COOL speed will run for 10 – 15 seconds each. Gas valve and humidifier will not be turned on.
DoesthecontrolrespondtoW,Y1(ifpresent), Y/Y2,andG(24V) thermostatsignals? | YES | Runsystemthroughaheatingorcoolingcycle tocheckoperation.Statuscodesareerased after72hours.OnREDLEDboardsstored statuscodescanalsobeerasedwhenever (115Vor24V)isinterrupted. | Replacefurnacecontrol. | |
NO |
statuscode |
aprevious | #11? |
Wasthere | otherthan |
IsLEDstatuslighton? | YES | IsLEDstatuslightblinkingrapidlywithouta pause? | NO | IsLEDstatuslightblinkingON/OFFslowly withacombinationofshortandlongflashes? | YES | Determinestatuscode.Thestatuscodeisa 2digitnumberwiththefirstdigitdetermined bythenumberofshortflashesandthesecond digitbythenumberoflongflashes? |
that | |
statuscode |
Gotosectionbelowforthe | wasflashed. |
Fig. 60 - Troubleshooting Guide