3.Fitting to Single Seater Chariot Trailers
3.1Fitting the D-rings
The D-rings are secured at the front to the side frame tubes.
In the forward side frame tubes there are holes with threaded bushes for fitting the
There are already screws inserted in the threaded bushes for securing the
Please use only these screws –
the screws which you might find supplied with the baby seats are no longer required and do not fit.
Please note: These are imperial thread size screws (in inches), so standard me- tric thread screws are not suitable as replacements.
Locate the
Make sure that you insert the screw exactly perpendicular to the frame tube so that it properly engages the threa- ded bush.
Screw in tight using a suitable screwdriver.
Please note:
Always screw on the
3.2 Securing the Baby Seat
3.2.1 Securing on the Cheetah1 model
Correct positioning of the baby seat.
First connect the fastex buckles on the underside of the baby seat with their counterparts on the lap belt ends.
Experience has shown that it helps if an overall belt length adjustment of more or less 15 to 16 cm is made (measured from the point of attachment to the baby seat to the point of attachment to the trailer seat).