Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter6 Clustering Switches Understanding Switch Clusters
Command Switch Characteristics
A Catalyst 2950 command switch must meet these requirements:
It is running Release 12.0(5.2)WC(1) or later.
It has an IP address.
It has Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) version 2 enabled (the default).
It is not a command or member switch of another cluster.
If the Catalyst2950 command switch is running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later, it is connected to the
standby command switches through the managmement VLAN and to the member switches through
a common VLAN.
If the Catalyst 2950 command switch is running a release earlier than Release 12.1(9)EA1, it is
connected to the standby command switches and member switches through its management VLA N .
Note The CMP-NAT-ACL access list is created when a device is configured as the command switch.
Configuring any other access list on the switch can restrict access to it and affect the discovery of
member and candidate switches.
Note We strongly recommend that the highest-end, command-capable switch in the cluster be the
command switch:
If your switch cluster has a Catalyst3550 switch, that switch should be the command switch.
If your switch cluster has Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst2950 , and Catalyst3500 XL switches, the
Catalyst 2950 should be the command switch.
If your switch cluster has Catalyst 1900, Catalyst 2820, Catalyst 290 0 XL, and
Catalyst 3500 XL switches, either the Catalyst 2900 XL or Catalyst3500 XL should be the
command switch.
Standby Command Switch Characteristics
A Catalyst 2950 standby command switch must meet these requirements:
It is running Release 12.0(5.2)WC(1) or later.
It has an IP address.
It has CDP version 2 enabled.
If the Catalyst 2950 standby command switch is running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later, it is connecte d
to other standby switches through its managment VLAN and to all member switches through a
common VLAN.
If the Catalyst 2950 standby command switch is running a release earlier than Release 12.1(9)EA1,
it is connected to the command switch and to other standby command switche s and member switches
through its management VLAN.