Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
STP (continued)
load sharing
overview 13-21
using path costs 13-23
using port priorities 13-21
loop guard
described 12-13
enabling 12-20
multicast addresses, affect of 10-8
overview 10-2
path costs 13-23, 13-24
Port Fast
described 12-2
enabling 12-14
port priorities 13-22
preventing root switch selection 12-12
redundant connectivity 10-8
root guard
described 12-12
enabling 12-19
root port, defined 10-3
root switch
affects of extended system ID 10-4, 10-12
configuring 10-12
election 10-3
unexpected behavior 10-13
settings in a cascaded stack 10-20
shutdown Port Fast-enabled port 12-3
superior BPDU 10-3
supported number of spanning-tree instances 10-2
timers, described 10-4
described 12-4
enabling 12-17
stratum, NTP 7-32
summer time 7-44
SunNet Manager 1-6
switch clustering technology 6-1
See clusters, switch
switched ports 9-2
Switch Manager 3-2, 3-31
See also Device Manager
switchport protected command 17-3
switch priority
MSTP 11-19
STP 10-18
See system message logging
system clock
daylight saving time 7-44
manually 7-42
summer time 7-44
time zones 7-43
displaying the time and date 7-42
overview 7-32
See also NTP
system message logging
default configuration 22-3
defining error message severity levels 22-8
disabling 22-4
displaying the configuration 22-12
enabling 22-4
facility keywords, described 22-12
level keywords, described 22-9
limiting messages 22-10
message format 22-2
overview 22-1
sequence numbers, enabling and disabling 22-8
setting the display destination device 22-4
synchronizing log messages 22-6
timestamps, enabling and disabling 22-7