Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
BPDU guard
described 12-3
enabling 12-15
support for 1-3
broadcast storm control
configuring 17-1
disabling 17-3
browser configuration 3-1, 6-1
buttons, CMS 3-27
cables, monitoring for unidirectional links 18-1
Cancel button 3-27
candidate switch
adding 6-21
automatic discovery 6-5
defined 6-4
HC 6-24
passwords 6-21
requirements 6-4
standby group 6-23
See also command switch, cluster standby group, and
member switch
cautions xxvi
CC (command switch) 6-24
CDP 1-2
and trusted boundary 25-14
automatic discovery in switch clusters 6-5
configuring 19-2
default configuration 19-2
described 19-1
disabling for routing device 19-3, 19-4
enabling and disabling
on an interface 19-4
on a switch 19-3
monitoring 19-5
CDP (continued)
overview 19-1
transmission timer and holdtime, setting 19-2
updates 19-2
CGMP, joining multicast group 16-2
change notification, CMS 3-30
Cisco Access Analog Trunk Gateway 1-13
Cisco CallManager software 1-12, 1-13
Cisco Discovery Protocol
Cisco Intelligence Engine 2100 Series Configuration
See IE2100
Cisco IP Phones 1-12
Cisco Networking Services
See IE2100
Cisco SoftPhone software 1-12
CiscoWorks 2000 1-6, 23-4
class maps for QoS
configuring 25-20
described 25-6
displaying 25-28
class of service
See CoS
clearing interfaces 9-16
abbreviating commands 2-3
command modes 2-1
described 1-6
editing features
enabling and disabling 2-6
keystroke editing 2-7
wrapped lines 2-8
error messages 2-4
getting help 2-3