Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
RSPAN (continued)
displaying status 20-14
interaction with other features 20-5
monitored ports 20-4
monitoring ports 20-4
overview 1-5, 20-1
received traffic 20-3
reflector port 20-4
session limits 20-6
creating 20-11
defined 20-3
removing source (monitored) ports 20-13
specifying monitored ports 20-11
source ports 20-4
transmitted traffic 20-3
active topology, determining 11-2
format 11-5
processing 11-6
configuration guidelines 11-12
designated port, defined 11-2
designated switch, defined 11-2
interoperability with 802.1D
described 11-11
restarting migration process 11-22
topology changes 11-6
overview 11-2
port roles
described 11-2
synchronized 11-4
proposal-agreement handshake process 11-3
rapid convergence
edge ports and Port Fast 11-3
point-to-point links 11-3, 11-22
root ports 11-3
root port, defined 11-2
See also MSTP
running configuration, saving 4-10
SC (standby command switch) 6-13, 6-24
secure addresses
adding 7-57
described 7-57
secure ports, configuring 17-4
security, port 17-4
sequence numbers in log messages 22-8
server mode, VTP 14-3
servers, BOOTP 1-2
service-provider network, MSTP and RSTP 11-1
set-request operation 23-4
setup program, failed command switch replacement 27-5,
severity levels, defining in system messages 22-8
show and more command output, filtering 2-9
show cdp traffic command 19-5
show cluster members command 6-26
show configuration command 9-13
show interfaces command 9-12, 9-13
show running-config command
displaying ACLs 24-19, 24-20, 24-21
interface description in 9-13
shutdown command on interfaces 9-17
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNAP 19-1
accessing MIB variables with 23-4
described 23-3
disabling 23-7
community strings
configuring 23-7
for cluster switches 23-4
overview 23-4