Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview Network Configuration Examples
A network backbone is a high-bandwidth connection (such as Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet) that
interconnects segments and network resources. It is required if numero us s egm e nt s re qu ir e ac ce s s t o t h e
servers. The Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, Catalyst 3500 XL, and Catalyst 3550 switches in this
network are connected through a GigaStack GBIC on each switch to form a 1-Gbps network backbone.
This GigaStack can also be configured as a switch cluster, with primary and sec ond ary comm an d
switches for redundant cluster management.
Workstations are connected directly to the 10/100 switch ports for their own 10- or 100-Mbps access to
network resources (such as web and mail servers). When a workstation is configured for full-duplex
operation, it receives up to 200 Mbps of dedicated bandwidth from the switch.
Servers are connected to the GBIC module ports on the switches, allowing 1-Gbps throughput to users
when needed. When the switch and server ports are configured for full-duplex operation, the links
provide 2 Gbps of bandwidth. For networks that do not require Gigabit performance f rom a ser ver,
connect the server to a Fast Ethernet or Fast EtherChannel switch port.
Connecting a router to a Fast Ethernet switch port provides multiple, simult aneous ac cess to the Inte rnet
through one line.
Figure1-2 Small to Medium-Sized Network Configuration
100 Mbps
(200 Mbps full duplex)
Single workstations
Cisco 2600 router
10/100 Mbps
(20/200 Mbps full duplex)
1 Gbps
(2 Gbps full duplex)
Catalyst 2900 XL,
Catalyst 2950,
Catalyst 3550, and
Catalyst 3500 XL
GigaStack cluster