Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
SNMP (continued)
configuration examples 23-14
default configuration 23-6
groups 23-8
in clusters 6-17
and trap keyword 23-10
described 23-5
differences from traps 23-5
enabling 23-12
limiting access by TFTP servers 23-13
limiting system log messages to NMS 22-10
manager functions 23-3
managing clusters with 6-27
location of A-2
supported A-1
notifications 23-5
overview 23-1, 23-4
status, displaying 23-15
system contact and location 23-13
trap manager, configuring 23-11
described 23-3, 23-5
differences from informs 23-5
enabling 23-10
enabling MAC address notification 7-54
overview 23-1, 23-4
types of 23-10
users 23-8
versions supported 23-2
snooping, IGMP 16-1
software, VLAN considerations 14-8
software images
recovery procedures 27-2
See also downloading and uploading
source addresses, in ACLs 24-12
configuration guidelines 20-7
default configuration 20-6
destination ports 20-4
displaying status 20-14
interaction with other features 20-5
monitored ports 20-4
monitoring ports 20-4
overview 1-5, 20-1
received traffic 20-3
session limits 20-6
creating 20-7
defined 20-3
removing destination (monitoring) ports 20-9
removing source (monitored) ports 20-9
specifying monitored ports 20-7
source ports 20-4
transmitted traffic 20-3
spanning tree and native VLANs 13-17
Spanning Tree Protocol
speed, configuring on interfaces 9-10
Stack Membership Discovery Protocol 12-6
Standby Command Configuration window 6-24
standby command switch
configuring 6-23
considerations 6-14
defined 6-2
priority 6-13
requirements 6-3
virtual IP address 6-14
See also cluster standby group and HSRP
standby group, cluster
See cluster standby group and HSRP
static access mode 3-8