Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Getting Started with CMS CMS Window Components
window does not include Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches even though they are part of the
cluster. Similarly, the Host Name list on the LRE Profiles window only lists the LRE switches in the
Tabs, Lists, and Tables
Some CMS windows have tabs that present different sets of information. Tabs are arranged like folder
headings across the top of the window. Click the tab to display its information.
Listed information can often be changed by selecting an item from a list. To change the information,
select one or more items, and click Modify. Changing multiple items is limited to those items that a pply
to at least one of the selections.
Some CMS windows present information in a table format. You can edit the information in these tables.
Note You can resize the width of the columns to display the column headings , o r you c an hover your c urso r
over the heading to display a popup description of the column.
Icons Used in Windows
Some window have icons for sorting information in tables, for showing which cells in a table are
editable, and for displaying further information from Cisco.com (Figure3-13).
Figure3-13 Window Icons
These are the most common buttons that you use to change the information in a CMS window:
OKSave any changes and close the window. If you made no changes, the window closes. If CMS
detects errors in your entry, the window remains open. For more information about error detection,
see the Error Checking section on page 3-30.
ApplySave any changes made in the window and leave the window open. If you made no changes,
the Apply button is disabled.
RefreshUpdate the CMS window with the latest status of the device. Unsaved changes are lost.
CancelDo not save any changes made in the window and close the window.
HelpDisplay procedures on performing tasks from the window.
ModifyDisplay the secondary window for changing information on t he sel ect ed i te m or i tem s.
You usually select an item from a list or table and click Modify.