Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide


The Catalyst 2950 Des ktop Sw itch Sof tware Configuration G uide i s for t he n etwor k mana ger
responsible for configuring the Catalyst2950 switches, hereafter referred to as the switches. Before
using this guide, you should be familiar with the concepts and terminology of Ethernet and local area


This guide provides information about configuring and troubleshooting a sw it ch o r switc h cl uste rs. I t
includes descriptions of the management interface options and th e fea ture s su ppo rte d by the s wit ch
software. The switch is supported by either the standard software image (SI) or the enhanced software image
(EI). The EI provides a richer set of features, including access control lists (ACLs), enhanced quality of
service (QoS) features, extended-range VLANs, and Remote Switc h Port Analyzer (RS PAN).
The EI supports these switches:
Catalyst 2950C-24
Catalyst 2950G-12-EI
Catalyst 2950G-24-EI
Catalyst 2950G-24-EI-DC
Catalyst 2950G-48-EI
Catalyst 2950T-24
The SI supports these switches:
Catalyst 2950-12
Catalyst 2950-24
Catalyst 2950SX-24
Use this guide with other documents for information about these topics:
RequirementsThis guide assumes that you have met the hardware and software requirements and
cluster compatibility requirements described in the release notes.
Start-up informationThis guide assumes that you have assigned switch IP information and
passwords by using the setup program described in the release notes.