Catalyst2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter3 Getting Started with CMS Menus and Toolbar
IGMP Snooping2Enable and disable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping and IG MP
Immediate-Leave processing on the switch. Join or leave multicast groups, and configure
multicast routers.
802.1X1Configure 802.1X authentication of devices as they are attached to LAN ports in a
point-to-point infrastructure.
ACL2 6
(guide mode available1)Create and maintain access control lists (ACLs), and attach ACLs to specific ports.
Security Wizard1 6Filter certain traffic, such as HTTP traf fi c, to certain networks o r dev ices. Restrict acce ss
to servers, networks, or application data from certain networks o r d evices.
(guide mode available on some
Display submenu options to enable and disable quality of service (QoS) and to configure
or modify these parameters:
Trust settings2
Maps2 6
Classes2 6(guide mode available1)
Policies2 6(guide mode available1)
AVVID Wizards1Voice Wizard1Configure a port to send or receive voice traffic.6
Video Wizard1Optimize multiple video servers for sending video traffic.6
Data Wizard1Provide a higher priority to specific applications.6
Port Settings2Display and configure port parameters on a switch.
Port Search Search for a port through its description.
Port Security1Enable port security on a port.
EtherChannels2Group ports into logical units for high-speed links between switches.
SPAN2Enable Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring.
Protected Port2Configure a port to prevent it from receiving bridged traffic from another port on the
same switch.
Flooding Control2Block the normal flooding of unicast and multicast packets, and enable the switch to
block packet storms.
(guide mode available1)Display VLAN membership, assign ports to VLANs, a nd co nfigure 802.1 Q trun ks.
Display and configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) for interswitch VLAN
Management VLAN2Change the management VLAN on the switch.
VMPS2Configure the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS).
Voice VLAN2Configure a port to use a voice V LAN for vo ice traf f ic, separating it from the VLANs for
data traffic.
Inventory Display the device type, software version, IP address, and other switch information.
Table3-11 Menu Bar (continued)
Menu-Bar Options Task