Note Windows online help provides instructions for adding and removing Windows components, such as Windows SNMP service. To locate the instructions, try selecting the Index tab in Windows online help and entering a keyword or phrase, such as install SNMP service.
Preparing Information that You Need to Install Service Monitor
To install Service Monitor on a server without Operations Manager, you will need to supply the following information during the installation:
Note If you are installing Service Monitor for evaluation purposes, you do not need to enter licensing information.
•Passwords for the admin user and the system identity
Note The system identity user enables communication between servers through a trust model and is used, for example, if you want to configure authentication and authorization for Service Monitor using Cisco Secure ACS. For information about configuring
Service Monitor with ACS, see User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor. For information about the system identity account, see User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services 3.0.3.
Note If you choose a Typical installation, the program generates passwords randomly for the guest and casuser users, and for the database. If you choose a Custom installation, you will be prompted for these passwords also.
Performing the Service Monitor Installation
Do not install Service Monitor on:
•A Primary Domain Controller (PDC) or Backup Domain Controller (BDC).
•A FAT file system.