Appendix B Using the ROM Monitor
Recovering Cisco IOS Software Images
Recovering Cisco IOS Software Images
If both the boot and system images have been erased and only the ROM monitor is available, you can use the ROM monitor xmodem command to copy a Cisco IOS image to Flash memory from the console. The console can be connected directly to the router through the console port, or remotely through a modem connected to the auxiliary port.
Note Copying a Cisco IOS image from the console is very slow. This procedure should be used only in an emergency and is not recommended for normal Cisco IOS image upgrades.
For the fastest possible download from a console, set the console speed to 115200 bps by using the confreg ROM monitor command. See the “Configuration Register Commands” procedure on page
Note Using a PCMCIA card to update the Cisco IOS image is much faster than using the console port and, when available, is the recommended method of recovering a software image.
Description and Options of the xmodem Command
The xmodem command establishes a connection between a console and the router console port for disaster recovery, if both the boot and system images are erased from Flash memory.
Other options include the following:
Console Requirements
The console computer (PC) must have the following files to use this procedure:
•Terminal emulation application program supporting one of the following file transfer protocols:
•Cisco IOS image file
Cisco 3600 Series Routers Hardware Installation Guide
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