Chapter 3 Bringing Up the Cisco IOS XR Software on a Multishelf System

Configuring the External Cisco Catalyst 6509 Switches

CAT6k-2(config-mst)# revision 1

CAT6k-2(config-mst)# instance 1 vlan 1

CAT6k-2(config-mst)# end



CAT6k-2(config)# spanning-tree


hello-time 1

CAT6k-2(config)# spanning-tree


forward-time 6

CAT6k-2(config)# spanning-tree


max-age 8

CAT6k-2(config)# spanning-tree


max-hops 4

CAT6k-2(config)# spanning-tree


0-1 priority 28672

CAT6k-2(config)# udld aggressive


CAT6k-2(config)# udld message time


CAT6k-2(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/1

CAT6k-2(config-if)# switchport



CAT6k-2(config-if)# switchport

mode access

CAT6k-2(config-if)# switchport

access vlan 1

CAT6k-2(config-if)# end

Example: Four-FCC Multishelf System Configuration



When configuring the Catalyst 6509 switches, the difference between configuring single-, two-, and



four-FCC multishelf systems is the number of interfaces that require configuration. When additional



FCCs are present, additional interfaces must be configured for the connections to those FCCs.






The following configuration display shows an example configuration for one of the Catalyst 6509



Switches in a four-FCC multishelf system:



Router# show running-config



Building configuration...



Current configuration : 2873 bytes









version 12.2



service timestamps debug uptime



service timestamps log uptime



no service password-encryption



service counters max age 10









hostname Router









logging snmp-authfail









ip subnet-zero





















mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes



no mls flow ip



no mls flow ipv6



mls cef error action freeze









power redundancy-mode combined









spanning-tree mode mst



spanning-tree portfast default



no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission



spanning-tree extend system-id









spanning-tree mst configuration



name STP_1



revision 1



Cisco IOS XR Getting Started Guide
















Page 53
Image 53
Cisco Systems Cisco IOS XR Example Four-FCC Multishelf System Configuration, Switches in a four-FCC multishelf system, Mst