Definitions of the Monitor List functions and terms:
S:Shows the system symbol of the represents the device system is inactive.
IP Address: Shows the current IP address of the device.
MAC Address: Shows the device MAC Address.
Protocol version: Shows the version of the Utility protocol.
Product Name: Shows the device product name.
System Name: Shows the appointed device system name.
DHCP: uses a client/server model to obtain lease of an IP address from a DHCP server as part of the network boot process.
Location: Shows where the device is located.
Trap IP: Shows the IP where the Trap to be sent.
Subnet Mask: Shows the Subnet Mask set of the device.
Gateway: Shows the Gateway set of the device.
View Trap: The Trap function works to receive the events configured in the
There is a light indicator following the “View Trap” button. When the light indicates in green, no new traps are available. When red, a new trap indicates a new trap is available. (Figure 8)
Figure 8 – View trap
When the “View Trap” button is clicked, a Trap Information window will pop up, showing the trap information, such as Symbol, Time, Device IP and the Event occurred. (Figure 9)