Cisco IE 2000 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Performing Switch Setup Configuration
Monitoring Switch Setup Configuration

Booting a Specific Software Image

By default, the switch attempts to automatically boot up the system using information in the BOOT
environment variable. If this variable is not set, the switch attempts to load and execute the first
executable image it can by performing a recursive, depth-first search throughout the flash file system. In
a depth-first search of a directory, each encountered subdirectory is completely searched before
continuing the search in the original directory. However, you can specify a specific image to boot up.
Monitoring Switch Setup Configuration

Verifying the Switch Running Configuration

You can check the configuration settings that you entered or changes that you made by entering this
privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration: 1363 bytes
version 12.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname Switch A
enable secret 5 $1$ej9.$DMUvAUnZOAmvmgqBEzIxE0
<output truncated>
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2 boot system filesystem:/file-url Configures the switch to boot a specific image in flash memory during the
next boot cycle.
For filesystem:, use flash: for the system board flash device.
For file-url, specify the path (directory) and the name of the bootable
Filenames and directory names are case sensitive.
Step 3 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4 show boot Verifies your entries.
The boot system global command changes the setting of the BOOT
environment variable.
During the next boot cycle, the switch attempts to automatically boot up the
system using information in the BOOT environment variable.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.