Cisco IE 2000 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 9 Configuring PROFINET
Monitoring and Maintaining PROFINET
Monitoring and Maintaining PROFINET Troubleshooting PROFINET
The PLC has LEDs that display red for alarms, and the I /O supervisor software monitors those alarms.
To troubleshoot PROFINET use the debug profinet privileged EXEC command with the keywords
shown in Table 9-4. Be aware that the output of a debug command might cause a serial link to fail. You
should use these commands only under the guidance of a Cisco Technical Support engineer. When you
use this command, use Telnet to access the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) by using Ethernet
rather than a serial port.
Step 4 profinet vlan vlan id (Optional) Changes the VLAN number. The default VLAN number is 1. The
VLAN ID range is 1-4096.
Step 5 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 show running-config Verifies your entries.
Step 7 copy running-config
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.
Tab l e 9-3 Commands for Displaying the PROFINET Configuration
Command Purpose
show profinet sessions Displays the currently connected PROFINET sessions.
show profinet status Displays the status of the PROFINET subsystem.
Command Purpose
Tab l e 9-4 Commands for Troubleshooting the PROFINET Configuration
Command Purpose
debug profinet alarm Displays the alarm status (on or off) and content of PROFINET alarms.
debug profinet cyclic Displays information about the time-cycle-based PROFINET Ethernet frames.
debug profinet error Displays the PROFINET session errors.
debug profinet packet ethernet Displays information about the PROFINET Ethernet packets.
debug profinet packet udp Displays information about the PROFINET Upper Layer Data Protocol (UDP)
debug profinet platform Displays information about the interaction between the Cisco IOS software and
debug profinet topology Displays the PROFINET topology packets received.
debug profinet trace Displays a group of traced debug output logs.