Cisco IE 2000 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Configuring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
Maintaining and Monitoring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
Maintaining and Monitoring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
Step 4 spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default Enables BPDU guard.
By default, BPDU guard is disabled.
Step 5 spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default Enables BPDU filtering.
By default, BPDU filtering is disabled.
Step 6 spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate
Enables UplinkFast.
(Optional) pkts-per-second—The range is 0 to 32000 packets per
second; the default is 150.
If you set the rate to 0, station-learning frames are not generated,
and the spanning-tree topology converges more slowly after a
loss of connectivity.
Step 7 spanning-tree backbonefast Enables BackboneFast.
Step 8 spanning-tree etherchannel guard misconfig Enables EtherChannel guard.
Step 9 interface interface-id Specifies an interface to configure, and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step 10 spanning-tree portfast [trunk]Enables PortFast on an access port connected to a single
workstation or server. By specifying the trunk keyword, you can
enable PortFast on a trunk port.
Note To enable PortFast on trunk ports, you must use the
spanning-tree portfast trunk interface configuration
command. The spanning-tree portfast command will
not work on trunk ports.
By default, PortFast is disabled on all interfaces.
Step 11 spanning-tree guard root Enables root guard on the interface.
By default, root guard is disabled on all interfaces.
Step 12 end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Command Purpose
show spanning-tree active Displays spanning-tree information on active interfaces only.
show spanning-tree detail Displays a detailed summary of interface information.
show spanning-tree interface interface-id Displays spanning-tree information for the specified interface.
show spanning-tree mst interface interface-id Displays MST information for the specified interface.
show spanning-tree summary [totals]Displays a summary of interface states or displays the total
lines of the spanning-tree state section.
show interfaces status err-disabled Displays which switch ports are disabled because of an
EtherChannel misconfiguration.
Command Purpose