User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
Chapter1 U sing Cisco Unified Service Monitor
Getting Started with Service Monitor
Step 3 Click OK.
Copying Image and Configuration Files to the TFTP ServerWhen you install Service Monitor, you supply the name of the image file directory that Service Monitor
uses to store files for Cisco 1040s. Service Monitor installation creates the directory and stores the
binary image and default configuration files for Cisco 1040s in it.
To enable you to enforce security procedures that you might have in place at your site, Service Monitor
does not copy files to your TFTP server. You must manually copy binary image and configuration files
for Cisco 1040s to the TFTP server as follows:
•Cisco 1040 binary image file—The filename format is
SvcMon<vendor code><Cisco 1040 type><major version>_<minor version><bugfix version>.img.
For example:
•Cisco 1040 configuration files—Copy configuration files after you update them as shown in the
following table.
Trap Forwarding Parameters
SNMP Community String Enter the SNMP community string for the trap receivers. Default is
Trap Receiver n and Port fields
(where n is a number from
Enter up to 4 trap receivers:
•Trap Receiver n—Enter the IP address or DNS name of a server.
To use Operations Manager to act on and display data from
Service Monitor—for example to use the Service Quality Alerts
dashboard—specify the system with Operations Manager as a
trap receiver.
•Port—Enter the port number on which the receiver listens for
SNMP traps. The default is 162; however, a different port might
be used for this purpose on this server.
Service Monitor generates SNMP traps and forwards them to these
GUI Element Description/Action
Copy configuration files after you…
File to copy from the image file directory to
the TFTP server
Edit the default configuration file. (If you enable
automatic registration, you must also edit the default
configuration file.)
Add a Cisco 1040 (manual registration). QOVmacaddress.CNF—Configuration
file for the Cisco 1040 with that MAC
Edit the configuration file for a Cisco1040.