User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
Chapter2 Data Management and System Administration
Changing the Hostname on the Service Monitor Server
Step 1 Change the hostname on the server as follows:
a. Stop the daemon manager by entering the following command:
net stop crmdmgtd
b. Change the hostname at My Computer > Properties > Computer Name > Change.
c. Prevent the daemon manager service from restarting after reboot. From Control panel, or from Start,
open Services and change the startup mode to Manual for the CW2000 Daemon Manager service.
d. Reboot the server.
Step 2 Change the hostname in the md.properties file (NMSROOT\lib\classpath\md.properties).
Note NMSROOT is the directory where you installed Service Monitor. If you selected the default, it
is C:\Program Files\CSCOpx.
Step 3 Change the hostname in the following registry entries:
Note Look for all the instances of the old hostname under these registry entries, and replace them with
the new hostname.
Step 4 Change the hostname in these files:
regdaemon.xml (NMSROOT\MDC\etc\regdaemon.xml):
Note the old hostname. You will need it to complete Step5.
Enter the new hostname in uppercase.
web.xml (NMSROOT\MDC\tomcat\webapps\classic\WEB-INF\web.xml).
Step 5 Crea te a file, NMSROOT\conf\cmic\changehostname.info, containing the old hostname and new
hostname in uppercase in the following format:
Note Hostnames in this file are case-sensitive; they must be entered in uppercase; the new hostname
must exactly match the hostname entered in regdaemon.xml.
Step 6 De lete the gatekeeper.ior file from this directory:
Step 7 If Service Monitor alone is installed on the server, skip to Step 8. If Service Monitor is installed on the
same server with Operations Manager, change all occurrences of the old hostname in the following files:
Step 8 If you do not know the password for the cmf database, reset the password as follows:
a. Open a Command Prompt and go to NMSROOT\bin.
b. Enter the following command: