User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
AppendixC Service Monitor Support for SNMP MIBs
System Application MIB Implementation
Package Status InformationTabl e C-3 supplies current application status for Service Monitor and o ther applications in the Cisco
Unified Management Suite that support the system application MIB.
TableC-2 sysApplInstallElmtTable
MIB Row Entry Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications
Management Suite Usage
sysApplInstallPkgIndex Part of the index for this table. This value identifies
the installed software package for the application of
which this process is a part.
Value from
Tabl e C-1.
sysApplInstallElmtIndex Unique number across the applications. Running number.
sysApplInstallElmtName The name assigned to the software element package
by the manufacturer.
Process name used in the daemon
manager (not a file or executable
name as specified in RFC 2287).
sysApplInstallElmtType The type of element that is part of the installed
Default application(5).
sysApplInstallElmtDate The date and time that this component was installed
on the system.
Note All dates and times are
formatted using SNMPv2
textual conventions.
sysApplInstallElmtPath Install location for this application NMSROOT—Directory where
Service Monitor is installed. If you
selected the default directory
during installation, it is
The installed file size in 232 byte blocks. Default 0 (not implemented).
The installed file size in 232 byte blocks. Default 0 (not implemented).
sysApplInstallElmtRole A n operator-assigned value used in the determination
of application status.
Value used in determining
application status:
•required(3)—Process that
must run for the application to
be considered running.
sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate The date and time that this element was last modified. Note All dates and times are
formatted using SNMPv2
textual conventions.
sysApplInstallCurSizeHigh The current file size in 232 byte blocks. Default 0 (not implemented).
sysApplInstallCurSizeLow The current file size in 232 byte blocks. Default 0 (not implemented).