User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
AppendixC Service Monitor Support for SNMP MIBs
System Application MIB Implementation
Installed Packages
Tabl e C-1 stores information for installed packages for Service Monitor and other applications in the
Cisco Unified Management Suite that support the system application MIB.
Installed Elements
For each entry in the installed packages table, Tabl e C-1, there can be many entries in the installed
element table, Tabl e C-2. The number of installed elements for a package correspond s to the number of
processes being monitored for that package.
Tabl e C-2 lists the contents of sysApplInstallElmtTable.
TableC-1 sysApplInstallPkgTable
MIB Row Entry Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications
Management Suite Usage
sysApplInstallPkgIndex Part of the index for this table. An integer used
only for indexing purposes. Generally
monotonically increasing from 1 as new
applications are installed.
Running number for each application
registered with the SNMP subagent.
sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer The manufacturer of the software application
Cisco Systems, Inc.
sysApplInstallPkgProductName The name assigned to the software application
package by the manufacturer.
Name provided when the application
was registered with the SNMP
subagent, such as Cisco Unified Service
Monitor 1.0.
Note Use this name to select an
application to watch.
sysApplInstallPkgVersion The version number assigned to the application
package by the manufacturer of the software.
Version number such as 1.0.2, where 1
is the major version, 0 is the minor
version, and 2 is the patch version or
incremental device update (IDU)
sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber The serial number of the software assigned by
the manufacturer.
sysApplInstallPkgDate The date and time this software application was
installed on the host.
sysApplInstallPkgLocation The complete pathname where the application
package is installed.
NMSROOT—Directory where Service
Monitor is installed. If you selected the
default directory during installation, it
is C:\Program~1\CSCOpx.