User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
AppendixC Service Monitor Support for SNMP MIBs
System Application MIB Implementation
Status of Packages When They Ran Previously
Tabl e C-5 contains the status of applications when they ran previously.
Status of Elements When They Ran Previously
Tabl e C-6 contains the status of processes when they ran previously.
sysApplElmtRunInstallID Part of the index for this table. The value of this object
is the same value as sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the
application element of which this entry represents a
running instance.
Value from
Tabl e C-2.
sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted The time the process was started.
sysApplElmtRunState The current state of the running process. The possible
values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting for a
resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event,
exiting(4), or other(5).
If all processes are running
successfully, value is running(1).
Note If the process terminates,
the process entry moves to
the sysElmtPastRun table.
sysApplElmtRunName The full path and filename of the process.
sysApplElmtRunParameters The starting parameters for the process.
sysApplElmtRunCPU Hundredths of a second of the total system CPU
resources consumed by this process.
Obtained from the operating
sysApplElmtRunMemory The total amount of real system memory, measured in
kilobytes, currently allocated to this process.
Obtained from the operating
sysApplElmtRunNumFiles The number of regular files that the process currently
has open.
Default 0 (not implemented).
sysApplElmtRunUser The process owner's login name. Either casuser or SYSTEM.
TableC-4 sysAppl ElmtRunTable (continued)
MIB Row Entry Description from the MIB
Cisco Unified Communications
Management Suite Usage
TableC-5 sysApplPastRunTable
MIB Row Entry Description from the MIB
sysApplInstallPkgIndex Value from sysApplInstallPkgTable, Table C -1.
sysApplPastRunIndex Part of the index for this table. An arbitrary integer used only for indexing purposes.
Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are started on the host, it
uniquely identifies application invocations.
sysApplPastRunStarted The date and time that the application started.
Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.
sysApplPastExitState The state of the application instance when it was terminated.
sysApplPastRunEnded The date and time the application instance was determined to be no longer running.
Note All dates and times are formatted using SNMPv2 textual conventions.