B.4.4 Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAXStatement
Differences .............................................. B–16
B.4.4.1 ACCEPT and DISPLAYStatements . ....................... B–16
B.4.4.2 LINAGE Clause ....................................... B–17
B.4.4.3 MOVE Statement ...................................... B–18
B.4.4.4 SEARCH Statement .................................... B–18
B.4.5 System Return Codes...................................... B–18
B.4.6 Diagnostic Messages ...................................... B–20
B.4.7 Storage for Double-Precision Data Items ....................... B–21
B.4.8 File Status Values ........................................ B–21
B.4.9 RMS Special Registers (OpenVMS) ........................... B–21
B.4.10 Calling Shareable Images . . ................................ B–22
B.4.11 Sharing Common Blocks (OpenVMS). . . ....................... B–22
B.4.12 Arithmetic Operations ..................................... B–23
B.5 Compaq COBOL Differences Across Operating Systems .............. B–24
B.5.1 REWRITE .............................................. B–25
B.5.2 File Sharing and Record Locking ............................. B–25
B.5.3 VFC File Format . ........................................ B–26
B.5.4 File Attribute Checking .................................... B–26
B.5.5 Indexed Files ............................................ B–26
B.5.6 RMS Special Register References in YourCode . . . ............... B–27
B.5.7 Time and Fractional Seconds ............................... B–27
B.6 File Compatibility Across Languages and Platforms . . ............... B–27
B.7 LIB$INITIALIZE Interaction Between C and COBOL. ............... B–28
B.8 Reserved Words ............................................. B–28
B.9 Debugger Support Differences . ................................ B–29
B.10 DECset/LSE Support Differences ................................ B–29
B.11 DBMS Support .............................................. B–29
B.11.1 Compiling on Tru64UNIX and Windows NT .................... B–29
B.11.2 Multistream DBMS DML. . . ................................ B–30
C ProgrammingProductivity Tools
C.1 Compaq FUSE—an Integrated Development Environment (Tru64
UNIX) .................................................... C–1
C.2 Debugging Toolsfor Compaq COBOL Programs .................... C–2
C.3 Ladebug Debugger (Tru64 UNIX) ............................... C–4
C.4 OpenVMS Debugger (OpenVMS) ................................ C–8
C.4.1 Notes on Compaq COBOL Support ........................... C–8
C.4.2 Notes on Debugging Optimized Programs ...................... C–8
C.4.2.1 Separately Compiled Programs ........................... C–13
C.5 Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) and the Source Code Analyzer (SCA)
(OpenVMS) ................................................ C–13
C.5.1 Notes on Compaq COBOL Support ........................... C–14
C.5.2 Preparing an SCA Library . . ................................ C–14
C.5.3 Starting and Terminatingan LSE or an SCA Session ............. C–15
C.5.4 Compiling from Within LSE. ................................ C–15
C.6 Using Oracle CDD/Repository (OpenVMS) .. ....................... C–16
C.6.1 Creating Record and Field Definitions . . ....................... C–17
C.6.2 Accessing Oracle CDD/Repository Definitions from Compaq COBOL
Programs ............................................... C–18
C.6.3 Recording Dependencies .................................... C–19
C.6.4 Data Types .............................................. C–20
C.6.5 For More Information ..................................... C–22