Programming Productivity Tools
C.6 Using Oracle CDD/Repository (OpenVMS)
C.6.5 For More Information

For more information about Oracle CDD/Repository, refer to the following


Document Description
Oracle CDD/Repository
Architecture Manual Describes the concepts and capabilities of the Oracle
CDD/Repository object-oriented architecture.
Using Oracle
CDD/Repository on
OpenVMS Systems
Provides tutorial information for Oracle CDD/Repository
Oracle CDD/Repository CDO
Reference Manual Provides reference information for the Common
Dictionary Operator (CDO) utility
Oracle CDD/Repository
Callable Interface Manual Explains how to use the ATIScallable interface
Oracle CDD/Repository
Information Model VolumeI,
CDD/Repository Information
Model VolumeII
Contain reference information on the ATIS and Oracle
CDD/Repository type hierarchy

C22 Programming Productivity Tools