Producing Printed Reports
10.9 Report Writer Examples
Figure 1014 Sample MASTER.DAT File
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Adam Harold B980 Main Street Nashua NH0310223410000002210089002062000
Albert Robert S100 Meadow Lane Gardner MA0142012340000003610090002062000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Allan David L10 Wonder Lane Merrimack NH0301467800000001241010002062000
Amos James A71 State Rd East Westminster MA0147312341000006410009002062000
Amico Art A31 Athens Road Nashua NH0306089000000007123407002062000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Ames Alice J40 Center Road Nashua NH0306078900000007100000002072000
Alwin Tom F400 High Street Princeton NJ1234112341000008700001703072000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Berger Tom H700 McDonald Lane Merrimack NH0306012341000010123416002062000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Ames Alice J40 Center Road Nashua NH0306078900000007100000002072000
Carter Winston R123 Timpany Street Brookline NH0307823416000011234167602072000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Carroll Alice L192 Lewis Road London NH0341611117000012167890002072000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Hemingway Joe E10 Cuba Street Westminster MA0147312341000013876900002072000
Cooper Frank J300 Mohican Avenue Mohawk MA0148034167000014341678002072000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road East Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Dickens Arnold C100 Bleak Street Gardner MA0144090000000011123416702072000
Thoreaux Ralph H800 Emerson Street Walden MA0141641678000016000060002072000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
Williams Samuel A310 England Road Worcester MA0140012341000017789000002072000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Ames Alice J40 Center Road Nashua NH0306078900000007100000002072000
Dickinson Rose E21 Depot Road Amherst MA0142341678000019666889002072000
Frost Alfred R123 Amherst Street Merrimack NH0306012341000020111149002072000
Alexander Greg T317 Narrows Road East Westminster MA0147334160000004100007102062000
Abbott John B12 Pleasant Street Nashua NH0310212340000001100009007012000
10.9.2 EX1006Detail Report Program
groups and produces a detail report—EX1006.LIS.
Toget EX1006.LIS, you use the following commands:
On OpenVMS
$ COBOL EX1006
$ LINK EX1006
$ RUN EX1006
Note that the case of the command parameters is insignificant in the preceding
command example.
On Tru64 UNIX
% cobol ex1006.cob
% a.out
% lpr EX1006.LIS
Note that the case of the file name, EX1006.LIS, is significant in the preceding
command example, because the file specification in the ASSIGN statement in
Example 10–6 was given in upper case. The program (EX1006) in Example 10–6
produces the output shown in Figure 10–15 (EX1006.LIS).
1044 Producing Printed Reports