Producing Printed Reports
10.8 Programming a Report Writer Report
The RD entry example in Section 10.8.2 contains the following PAGE clause
RD Entry Line Meaning
PAGELIMIT IS 66 Maximum number of lines per page is 66
HEADING 1 Line number on which the first report heading (RH) or page
heading (PH) should print on each page
FIRST DETAIL 13 First line number on which a control heading (CH), detail
(DE), or control footing (CF) should print on a page
LAST DETAIL 30 Last line number on which a CH or DE can print on a page
FOOTING 50 Last line number on which a control footing (CF) can print on
a page (if specified, page footing (PF) and report footing (RF)
report groups follow the line number shown in FOOTING)
The PAGE LIMIT clause line numbers are in ascending order and must not
exceed the number specified in the PAGE LIMIT clause (in this example, 66
Section 10.8.4 describes report group entries in more detail.
10.8.4 Describing Report Group Description Entries
In a Report Writer program, report groups are the basic elements that make up
the logical page. There are seven types of report groups, which consist of one or
more report lines printed as a complete unit (for example, a page heading). Each
report line can be subdivided into data items or fields.
Table 10–1 lists the seven types of report groups:
Table101 Report Writer Report Group Types
Report Group Type Description
REPORT HEADING Prints a title or any other information that pertains to the
entire report
PAGEHEADING Prints a page heading and column headings
CONTROL HEADING Prints a heading when a control break occurs
DETAIL Prints the primary data of the report
CONTROL FOOTING Prints totals when a control break occurs
PAGEFOOTING Prints totals or comments at the bottom of each page
REPORT FOOTING Prints trailer information for the report
A Report Writer program can include both printable report groups and null report
groups. Null report groups are groups that do not print but are used for control
Figure 10–9 shows the report group presentation order found on a logical page.
You must code at least one DETAILreport group (printable or null) in your
program to produce a report. All other report groups are optional. Notethat you
can code a report group by using the abbreviations shown in Figure 10–9.
1026 Producing Printed Reports