Programming Productivity Tools
C.5 Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) and the Source Code Analyzer (SCA) (OpenVMS)
LSE provides several commands to help you review errors and examine your
source code:
Command Key Binding Function
COMPILE None Compiles the contents of the source buffer. You
can issue this command with the /REVIEW
qualifier to put LSE in REVIEW mode
immediately after the compilation.
REVIEW None Puts LSE into REVIEW mode and displays any
errors resulting from the last compilation.
END REVIEW None Removes the buffer $REVIEW from the screen;
returns the cursor to a single window containing
the source buffer.
GOTO SOURCE CTRL/G Moves the cursor to the source buffer that
contains the error.
NEXT STEP CTRL/F Movesthe cursor to the next error in the buffer
PREVIOUS STEP CTRL/B Moves the cursor to the previous error in the
buffer $REVIEW.
Down arrow
Up arrow Moves the cursor within a buffer.
C.6 Using Oracle CDD/Repository (OpenVMS)
Oracle CDD/Repository is an optional software product available under a separate
license. The Oracle CDD/Repository product lets you maintain shareable data
definitions, such as record and field definitions. Oracle CDD/Repository data
definitions are organized hierarchically in much the same way that files are
organized in directories and subdirectories. For example, a repository for defining
personnel data might have separate directories for each employee type.
Often, it is the job of a repository or data administrator to create repositories,
define directory structures, and insert record and field definitions into the
repository. In large organizations, many repositories can be linked together
to form one logical repository. Once the repositories are established, the data
definitions can be used throughout the organization by database administrators
and application developers. If the paths are set up correctly, users can access
definitions as if they were in a single repository.
Descriptions of data definitions are entered into the repository in a special-
purpose language called Common Dictionary Operator (CDO). (Oracle
CDD/Repository also supports both the Common Data Dictionary (Version 3) and
CDD/Plus (Version 4) interfaces foruse by existing databases and applications.)
Oracle CDD/Repository converts the data descriptions to an internal form—
making them independent of the language used to access them—and inserts them
into the repository.
When you compile a COBOL program, Oracle CDD/Repository data definitions
can be accessed by means of the COPY FROM DICTIONARY statement. If
the attributes of the data definitions are consistent with Compaq COBOL
requirements, the data definitions are included in the COBOL program. Oracle
CDD/Repository data definitions, in the form of COBOL source code, can appear
in source program listings if you specify the /LIST and /COPY_LIST qualifiers on
the COBOL command line.
C16 Programming Productivity Tools