C–1 Source Code Used in the Sample Debug Sessions ................ C–4
1–1 Commands for Developing Compaq COBOL Programs on Tru64
UNIX .................................................. 1–8
1–2 DCL Commands for Developing Programs . . . ................... 1–28
4–1 Organization of the One-Dimensional Table in Example 4–1........ 4–2
4–2 Organization of Multiple Data Items in a One-Dimensional Table. . . . 4–3
4–3 Organization of a Table with an Index and an Ascending Search
Key ................................................... 4–4
4–4 Organization of a Two-Dimensional Table . . . ................... 4–5
4–5 Organization of a Three-Dimensional Table. . ................... 4–5
4–6 Memory Map for Example 4–7 . . . ............................ 4–7
4–7 Memory Map for Example 4–8 . . . ............................ 4–8
4–8 Memory Map for Example 4–9 . . . ............................ 4–9
4–9 Memory Map for Example 4–10 . . ............................ 4–9
4–10 Memory Map for Example 4–11 . . ............................ 4–10
4–11 Memory Map for Example 4–13 . . ............................ 4–11
4–12 Memory Map for Example 4–14 . . ............................ 4–12
5–1 Results of the STRING Operation ............................ 5–3
5–2 Matching Delimiter Characters to Characters in a Field ........... 5–19
5–3 Sample INSPECT Statement ................................ 5–21
5–4 Typical REPLACING Phrase ................................ 5–22
5–5 The Replacement Argument................................. 5–31
6–1 Sequential File Organization ................................ 6–3
6–2 A Multiple-Volume,Sequential File ........................... 6–4
6–3 Line Sequential File Organization ............................ 6–5
6–4 Relative File Organization .................................. 6–6
6–5 Indexed File Organization .................................. 6–8
8–1 Multiple Access to a File ................................... 8–1
8–2 Relationship of Record Locking to File Sharing .................. 8–2
8–3 Why a Record-Already-Exists Error Occurs . . ................... 8–16
10–1 Sample Layout Worksheet .................................. 10–2
10–2 Subtotals, Crossfoot Totals,and Rolled Forward Totals . ........... 10–5
10–3 Logical Page Area for a Conventional Report. ................... 10–6
10–4 A 20-Line Logical Page .................................... 10–11
10–5 A Double-Spaced Master Listing . ............................ 10–12
10–6 Logical Page Areas for a Linage-File Report . ................... 10–13
10–7 A 28-Line Logical Page .................................... 10–16
10–8 A 20-Line Logical Page .................................... 10–20
10–9 Presentation Order for a Logical Page ......................... 10–27
10–10 Sample Report Using All Seven Report Groups .................. 10–28
10–11 First GENERATEStatement ................................ 10–39
10–12 Subsequent GENERATE Statements .......................... 10–40
10–13 TERMINATE Statement ................................... 10–41
10–14 Sample MASTER.DAT File ................................. 10–44