13–4 COBOL Implementation of the OpenVMS Alpha Data Types
(OpenVMS) ............................................. 13–8
16–1 Boundaries for Naturally Aligned Binary Data . . . ............... 16–4
16–2 Alignment and Padding Order of Precedence .................... 16–7
B–1 Cross-Platform Compatibility of COBOL Features. ............... B–1
B–2 Qualifiers Shared by Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for
OpenVMS VAXand Equivalent Flags and Options ............... B–5
B–3 Compaq COBOL Options Not Available in Compaq COBOL for
OpenVMS VAX. . . ........................................ B–6
B–4 Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAXSpecific Qualifiers ............ B–8
C–1 Oracle CDD/Repository Data Types ........................... C–21
D–1 Recognized Foreign Reserved Words .. . ....................... D–2