Programming Productivity Tools
C.4 OpenVMS Debugger (OpenVMS)
C.4.2.1 Separately Compiled Programs
When you debug a Compaq COBOL program, the default module (which will be
brought into the debugger) is the main module name. If your program consists
of multiple separately compiled programs (SCPs), and was compiled with the
/SEPARATE_COMPILATIONqualifier (see Section and Section B.4.2.8),
each module that you wish to debug other than the main module must be
identified to the debugger.
For example:
In the previous example, the default module is the main module name. You
can specify a different module in those cases where you use multiple separately
compiled programs as follows:
DBG> SET BREAK modulename \ %LINE 43
In the preceding example, the default debug module becomes modulename. The
same result can be obtained by using SET MODULE, as follows:
DBG> SET MODULE modulename
If modulename is a valid module, the default will be set to that module name
and the debugger prompt will be returned. You can then set a breakpoint (or any
other valid debugger action) in the new module source. If it is not a valid module,
the system will advise you as follows:
DBG> SET MODULE invalidmodulename
%DEBUG-E-NOSUCHMODU, module INVALIDMODULENAME is not in module chain
C.5 Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) and the Source CodeAnalyzer (SCA) (OpenVMS)
The Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) is a powerful and flexible text editor
designed specifically for software development. The Source Code Analyzer (SCA)
is an interactive tool for program analysis.
These products are closely integrated; generally, you can invoke SCA through
LSE. LSE provides additional editing features that make SCA program analysis
more efficient. In conjunction with the Compaq COBOL compiler, the two tools
provide a set of new enhancements supporting source code design and review.
LSE also provides the following software development features:
Formatted language constructs, or templates, for the programming languages
it supports, including Compaq COBOL. These templates include the keywords
and punctuation used in source programs.
Commands to compile, review, and correct compilation errors from within the
editor. The Compaq COBOL compiler issues some diagnostics in a different
sequence from Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX. The LSE review of
compilation errors reflects the sequence in which the particular compiler
issues the diagnostics.
Integration with Code Management System (CMS). You can issue CMS
commands from within the editor to make source file management more
efficient. See the Guide to Code Management System for VMS Systems for
more information.
Programming Productivity Tools C13