ROUNDED phrase, 2–12
with SIZE ERROR, 2–13
Rounding off arithmetic results, 2–12
Routines, 13–1
Named ‘‘main’’, 1–9
-rsv [no]200x flag, 1–13
-rsv [no]foreign_extensions, 1–13
-rsv [no]xopen flag, 1–13
RUN command, 1–48
on OpenVMS Alpha, 1–48
syntax, on OpenVMS Alpha, 1–50
Running Compaq COBOL programs
on OpenVMS Alpha, 1–48
on Tru64UNIX, 1–23
Run time
accessing environment variables, 1–24
accessing environment variables (ex.), 1–24
accessing logicals, 1–49
errors, 1–51
example of, 1–51
input/output messages, 1–54
messages, 1–51
format, 1–51
input/output errors, 1–54
interpreting, 1–51
program run errors, 1–52
Run-Time Library routines, 13–4
cobcall, 12–19
cobcancel, 12–19
cobfunc, 12–19
Run-time storage
compiler implementation specifications, A–1
Run unit
examples of COBOL, 12–1 to 12–2
including non-COBOL programs, 12–25
multiple COBOL program, 12–1
and mixing data types, 15–7
definition, 15–7
SCA product, 15–7, C–13
integration with LSE, C–13
invoking, C–15
preparing an SCA library, C–14, C–15
Screen formatting, B–17
Screen positioning
absolute, 11–5
relative, 11–5
Screen Section, 11–31
options, 11–32
SD record length
compiler implementation specifications, A–1
SEARCH ALL statement
advantages, 15–9
requirements, 15–9
Search argument
usage in REPLACING phrase, 5–30
Searching tables, 4–16
Search order
definition for object module libraries, 1–43
SEARCH statement
Format 1, 4–17
Format 2, 4–18
Segmented key, 6–34
example, 6–35
SELECT statement
file description, 6–15
specifying file organization with, 6–20
Separately compiled programs, 1–31
and program listings, B–15
compilation performance, 1–6
-seq flag, 1–13
-sequence_check flag, 1–13
Sequential access mode
default, 6–23
specifying, 6–21
Sequential file
See also Optimization
access modes, 6–27
ATEND condition, 7–2
creating, 6–26
design considerations, 6–13
end-of-file mark, 6–4
end-of-volume label, 6–4
extending, 6–28, 6–49, 6–50
using the EXTEND phrase, 6–50
I/O statements, 6–27
multiple-volume (fig.), 6–4
multiple volumes, 6–4
open modes, 6–27
specifying, 6–21
organization of, 6–3
advantages, 6–2
disadvantages, 6–2
print file, 6–28
processing, 6–27
reading, 6–37, 6–38
rewriting a, 6–49
rewriting records in, 6–48
SELECT statements, 6–23, 6–24
specifying file organization and access mode,
storage file, 6–28
updating, 6–48
using the REWRITE statement, 6–48
valid I/O statements (tab.), 6–27
writing, 6–27
writing records from, 6–28