Convention Meaning
Braces used in a general format enclose lists from which you
must choose only one item. For example:
Brackets used in a general format enclose optional items from
which you can choose none or one. For example:
Choice indicators, vertical lines inside a set of braces, used in a
general format enclose lists from which you must choose one or
more items, using each item chosen only once. For example:
. .. A horizontal ellipsis indicates that the item preceding the
ellipsis can be repeated. For example:
switch-name ...
A vertical ellipsis indicates that not all of the statements are
Format Program examples are shown in terminal format, rather than
in ANSI standard format.
special-character words The following symbols, when used in a general format,
constitute required special-character words:
Plus sign (+ )
Minus sign (- )
Single (= ) and double (= =) equal signs
Less than (< ) or greater than (> ) symbols
Less than or equal to (<= ) and greater than or equal to
(>= ) symbols
Period ( . )
Colon ( : )
Single ( * ) and double (** ) asterisks
Slash ( / )
Left parenthesis (() or right parenthesis ( ))
quotation mark The term quotation mark is used to refer to the double
quotation mark character (").
apostrophe The term apostrophe is used to refer to the single quotation
mark character ().
user input
In examples, user input (what you enter) is shown as
monospaced text