Convention Meaning
extensions Compaq extensions to the 1985 ANSI COBOL Standard are
color coded in blue or gray. Note that the term extension in
this manual means a Compaq extension to the ANSI COBOL
Standard. (Some of these extensions are included in the
X/Open CAE Standard for the COBOL language.)
report file Bold type indicates a new term.
full-file-name This syntax term refers to the name of a file and the device
and directory,or path, in which it is located. For example:

c:\home\public\filename.txt (Windows NT path)



/disk2/home/public/filename.txt (Tru64 UNIX

file specification)

compiler option This term refers to command-line qualifiers (OpenVMS Alpha
systems), options (Windows NT Alpha systems), or flags (Tru64
UNIX systems). For example:

/LIST (OpenVMS qualifier or NT option)†

-list (Tru64 UNIX flag or NT option)†

COBOL This term refers to language information common to ANSI-85
COBOL, Compaq COBOL, and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS
Return A boxed symbol indicates that you must press a key on the
terminal; for example, Return indicates that you press the
Return key.
Tab This symbol indicates a nonprinting tab character.
Ctrl/x The symbol Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the key labeled
CTRL while you press another key,for example, CtrlC orCtrl O .
$ The dollar sign ($ ) represents the OpenVMS system prompt.
% Thepercent sign (% ) represents the Tru64 UNIX system
C:\> A letter followed by a colon (: ), a backslash \, and a greater-
than sign (>) represents the MS-DOS system prompt.
Start| Programs| . .. A series of names separated by vertical bars ( | ) means you
should click on the first named Windows NT object, then the
second named object, and so on.
†Either the slash or the hyphen is acceptable for Windows NT compiler options. Use the slash for
WindowsNT linker options.

The following table shows certain references and their respective meanings in

this manual:

Reference Meaning
OpenVMS OpenVMS Alpha operating system
Tru64UNIX Compaq Tru64UNIX operating system
Windows NT Microsoft Windows NT Version4.0, SP4, SP5 for Alpha systems