2.7.2 Standard and Native Arithmetic ............................. 2–10 Using the /MATH_INTERMEDIATEQualifier . ............... 2–10 Using the /ARITHMETIC Qualifier . ....................... 2–12
2.7.3 Specifying a Truncation Qualifier............................. 2–12
2.7.4 Using the ROUNDED Phrase ............................... 2–12 ROUNDED with REMAINDER ........................... 2–13
2.7.5 Using the SIZE ERROR Phrase .............................. 2–13
2.7.6 Using the GIVING Phrase . . ................................ 2–14
2.7.7 Multiple Operands in ADD and SUBTRACT Statements........... 2–14
2.7.8 Common Errors in Arithmetic Statements...................... 2–15
3 Handling Nonnumeric Data
3.1 Storage of Nonnumeric Data .. . ................................ 3–1
3.2 Data Organization . . . ........................................ 3–2
3.2.1 Group Items ............................................. 3–2
3.2.2 Elementary Items ........................................ 3–2
3.3 Special Characters . . . ........................................ 3–3
3.4 TestingNonnumeric Items..................................... 3–3
3.4.1 Relation Testsof Nonnumeric Items . . ........................ 3–3 Classes of Data ....................................... 3–4 Comparison Operations . ................................ 3–5
3.4.2 Class Testsfor Nonnumeric Items ............................ 3–5
3.5 Data Movement ............................................. 3–6
3.6 Using the MOVE Statement . . . ................................ 3–7
3.6.1 Group Moves ............................................ 3–7
3.6.2 Elementary Moves ........................................ 3–7 Edited Moves . ........................................ 3–9 Justified Moves ....................................... 3–9
3.6.3 Multiple Receiving Items . . . ................................ 3–10
3.6.4 Subscripted Moves ........................................ 3–10
3.6.5 Common Nonnumeric Item MOVE Statement Errors ............. 3–11
3.6.6 Using the MOVE CORRESPONDING Statement for Nonnumeric
Items . . ................................................ 3–11
3.6.7 Using Reference Modification ................................ 3–12
4 Handling Tables
4.1 Defining Tables ............................................. 4–1
4.1.1 Defining Fixed-Length, One-Dimensional Tables . . ............... 4–1
4.1.2 Defining Fixed-Length, Multidimensional Tables. . ............... 4–4
4.1.3 Defining Variable-LengthTables ............................. 4–5
4.1.4 Storage Allocation for Tables ................................ 4–6 Using the SYNCHRONIZED Clause ....................... 4–7
4.2 Initializing Valuesof Table Elements ............................. 4–10
4.3 Accessing Table Elements ..................................... 4–12
4.3.1 Subscripting ............................................. 4–12
4.3.2 Subscripting with Literals . . ................................ 4–13
4.3.3 Subscripting with Data Names .............................. 4–14
4.3.4 Subscripting with Indexes . . ................................ 4–14
4.3.5 Relative Indexing . ........................................ 4–15
4.3.6 Index Data Items . ........................................ 4–16