Developing Compaq COBOL Programs
1.2 Developing Programs on Tru64 UNIX
• The
command removes symbolic and other debugging information to
minimize image size. For additional information, see strip(1).
The CALL dataname, CANCEL, and the Compaq extensions to the
ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements will not work correctly if you use the
command on your image.
In most instances, use the
command to invoke both the Compaq COBOL
compiler and the
linker. To link one or more object files created by the Compaq
COBOL compiler, you should use the
command instead of the
because the
command automatically references the appropriate Compaq
COBOL Run-Time Libraries when it invokes
. If the executable image is not in
your current working directory,specify the directory path in addition to the file
Compilation does the following for you:
Detects errors in your program syntax
Displays compiler messages on your terminal screen
Generates machine language instructions from valid source statements
Groups the instructions into an object module for the linker
Launches the linker with the compiled file or files
Creates an executable image
Youuse the COBOL command to compile and link your program. The COBOL
command invokes the Compaq COBOL compiler driver that is the actual user
interface to the Compaq COBOL compiler. The compiler driver can accept
command options and multiple file names, and normally causes the compiler and
linker to process each file. A variety of qualifiers to the compile command are
available to specify optional processing and to specify the names of output files.
After the Compaq COBOL compiler processes the source files to create one
or more object files, the compiler driver passes a list of object files and other
information to the linker.
1.3 Developing Programs on OpenVMS Alpha
Youuse DCL commands (commands used at the OpenVMS Alpha system prompt)
to create, compile, link, and run Compaq COBOL programs on OpenVMS Alpha

1.3.1 Creating a Compaq COBOL Program on OpenVMS Alpha

To createand modify a Compaq COBOL program, you must invoke a text editor.
The default editor for OpenVMS Alpha is the DEC Text Processing Utility
(DECTPU). Other editors, such as EDT or the Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE),
may be available on your system. Check with your system administrator and
refer to the OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual (this manual has been archived
but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM) for more information
about EDT or the Guide to Language-Sensitive Editor for additional information
about LSE.
Developing Compaq COBOL Programs 1–27