Programming Productivity Tools
C.5 Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) and the Source Code Analyzer (SCA) (OpenVMS)
This command line compiles the input files PG1.COB, PG2.COB and
PG3.COB, and generates corresponding output files for each input file,
with the file types OBJ and ANA. The COBOL compiler puts these files in
your current default directory.
4. Load the information in the data analysis files into your SCA library with the
LOAD command. For example:
This command loads your library with the modules contained in the data
analysis files PG1.ANA, PG2.ANA, and PG3.ANA.
5. Once you have prepared the SCA library, you enter LSE to begin an SCA
session. Within this context, the integration of LSE and SCA provides
commands that you can use only within LSE.
C.5.3 Startingand Terminating an LSE or an SCA Session
Toinvoke LSE, issue the following command at the DCL prompt:
To end an LSE session, press CTRL/Z to get the LSE> prompt. If you wish to
save modifications to your file, issue the EXIT command. If you do not wish to
save the file or any modification to the file, issue the QUIT command.
Toinvoke SCA from LSE, type the SCA command that you wish to execute at the
LSE> prompt, as in the following syntax:
LSE> command [parameter] [/qualifier...]
To invoke SCA from the DCL command line for the execution of a single
command, you can use the following syntax:
$ SCA command [parameter] [/qualifier...]
If you have several SCA commands to invoke, you might wish to use the SCA
subsystem to enter commands, as in the following syntax:
SCA> command [parameter] [/qualifier...]
Typing EXIT (or pressing CTRL/Z) ends an SCA subsystem session and returns
you to the DCL level.
C.5.4 Compiling from Within LSE
To compile a completed COBOL program, issue the following command at the
LSE prompt:
To compile a COBOL program that contains placeholders and design comments,
include the following qualifiers with the previous command:
The /ANALYSIS_DATAqualifier causes the compiler to generate a data analysis
file containing source code analysis information and to provide this information to
the SCA library.
Programming Productivity Tools C15