The HC12 firmware uses a real time operating system (RTOS) to make efficient use of the HC12's processing capability. Various tasks are given priorities, and the RTOS supervises what task has control of the proces- sor at any particular time.
3.6.2 RS232
As mentioned, the RS232 port is used to load firmware into flash memory. UART U2 provides the serial port interface to the HC12. The baud rate is programmed by the HC12 as directed by the front panel (19.2 k to 115 kbps) and the clock is generated from the
The other half of dual UART U2 is used as a serial inter- face to the optional CNET PWA. It connects to the CNET PWA via SHARC connector P1.
3.6.3 Crown Bus Loop
The HC12 has two serial ports and one of them is used for the interface to the Crown Bus loop hardware. This is a fixed
The input of the Crown Bus loop is buffered by optoisolator U17 which senses the
Relay K1 provides paths to the I/O circuitry while the
3.6.4 Real Time Clock
U11 is a Real Time Clock (RTC) IC that provides timing to the HC12 for scheduling of real time events. U11 has an internal oscillator provided by
RTC_CS (chip select) and periodically queries the RTC to get or set the time.
Capacitor C25 is a 1F supercap that allows the RTC to continue to keep time after the unit is powered down. The RTC senses the loss of power and automatically switches to the capacitor to provide power. The capaci- tor can keep the RTC running for up to 45 days without external power. While the unit is powered, the RTC trickle charges the capacitor.
3.6.5 Front Panel
The HC12 interfaces the Front Display PWA via P6. The three front panel switches are sensed by the HC12 and display of the front panel LED's are controlled via a se- rial interface; SCK, MOSI, MISO, and LED_CS. Two dis- play IC's on the Front Display PWA interface both the discrete LED's and the triple
3.6.6 Control Port
The control port interface allows external signals or events to control objects within the box. Additionally, outputs allow signaling of object status to the outside. The DB37M connector P7 provides back panel access. +5V, +10V, and GND is also provided via the connec- tor. Regulator U18 takes the +15V and provides +10V out. The external power is protected by resettable fuses limited to 1 A.
The HC12 interfaces the output buffers through latches U6 and U7. These 16 outputs drive NPN transistors that provide 10V @ 10 mA to the outside. Ferrite beads and transient voltage suppressors (TVS) protect the output circuits.
The digital inputs are buffered by NPN transistors that allow current drive of the inputs. Voltages up to +25VDC can be used to drive these inputs. The transistor buff- ers drive a latch that the HC12 polls to collect the input status. U4 is used by the HC12 to address the particu- lar I/O latch it wishes to query.
The analog inputs allow a 0 to +10VDC input to be digi- tized by the HC12's eight
3.7 Front Display
The Front Display PWA has the three front panel switches, triple
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