An IQ System ® Programmable Input Processor with DSP

for Crown® P.I.P.® -compatible Power Amplifiers

©1999 by Crown International, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Elkhart, Indiana 46515-1000 U.S.A. Telephone: 219-

294-8000. The IQ–P.I.P.–DSPis produced by Crown International, Inc. Trademark Notice: MPX-6, SMX- 6 , SmartAmpand Macro Referenceare trademarks and Amcron®, Crown®, IQ System®, IOC ®, ODEP ®, Macro-Tech®, Com-Tech®and P.I.P.® are registered trademarks of Crown International, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Crown Audio IQ P.I.P.-DSP manual