NO. Cycle Crust Size Pre-Heat Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Knead 3 Rise 2 Knead 4 Rise 3 Bake Total Keep Warm Mix-ins Remove Paddle
15 Last Minute Loaf Medium 1.5LB 0MIN 1MIN 10MIN 0MIN 0SEC 0MIN 0SEC 11MIN 37M 0:59 60 N/A 0:48
2.0LB 0MIN 1MIN 10MIN 0MIN 0SEC 0MIN 0SEC 14MIN 40M 1:05 60 1:02 0:54
16 Bake Only 0MIN 0MIN 0MIN 0MIN 0SEC 0MIN 0SEC 0MIN 10M 0:10 60 N/A NA
Important note: The MOST important rule of making bread:
Use exact measurements. This is the key to successful bread baking.
With wet ingredients, use only liquid measuring cups with the cups/ounces
marked clearly on the side. After filling the measuring cup, place it on a flat
surface and view it at eye level to make sure the amount of liquid is exact.
Liquids must be room temperature.
With dry ingredients fill a dry measuring cup with a spoon and then level off
the measurement with the back of a knife or a spatula to make sure the
measurement is exact. Never use the cup to scoop the ingredients directly
from container (for example, flour). By scooping, you could add up to one
tablespoon of extra ingredients. Do not pack down.
Important Note: The SECOND MOST important rule of making bread:
Put the ingredients into the bread maker in the EXACT order given in
the recipe.This means:
FIRST, liquid ingredients – room temperature
SECOND, dry ingredients
LAST, yeast – Yeast must be separate from wet ingredients. Create a
small crater in dry ingredients using your finger or a spoon, and place
yeast within the crater. Make sure yeast is fresh.
Also, make sure ALLingredients are at room temperature, unless otherwise
noted (that is, between 75˚–90˚F). Temperatures too cool or too warm can
affect the way the bread rises and bakes. Note: Water should not be warm, or
it will affect rising.
Last, it’s a good idea to start with fresh ingredients. Fresh flour and fresh
yeast are critical.
See troubleshooting section (pages 16–17) to learn more.
112teaspoons = 12tablespoon 8 tablespoons = 12cup
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon 12 tablespoons = 34cup
12tablespoon = 112teaspoons 16 tablespoons = 1 cup
2 tablespoons = 18cup 38cup = 14cup + 2 tablespoons
4 tablespoons = 14cup 58cup = 12cup + 2 tablespoons
5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 13cup 78cup = 34cup + 2 tablespoons
Yeast/Baking Powder or Baking Soda
Dry Ingredients
Water or Liquids
*Audible tones will sound at specified time listed in chart above as a reminder to add Mix-ins or remove paddle.