Place the milk, eggs, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, salt, vanilla, flour, cornstarch, and yeast in the bread pan fitted with the kneading paddle. Place the
bread pan in the CuisinartConvection Bread Maker. Select Dough/Pizza Dough. Select dough size. Press Start to mix, knead and rise. When cycle is
completed remove dough and punch to deflate. For large and medium recipes, divide into 2 equal portions. Let rest 10 minutes. Place the filling ingredients
in a small bowl and stir with a whisk until well blended; reserve. Lightly coat 2 ten-inch round/2 nine-inch round/1 ten-inch round cake pan(s) with cooking spray
and reserve.
Roll the dough out into rectangles 12 inches wide and 12-inch thick. Brush each rectangle with melted butter to within one inch of one long side and to the ends
of the other 3 sides, and sprinkle evenly with sugar/cinnamon mixture. Roll as for a jelly roll, ending with the unbuttered side. Pinch along long side to seal. Cut
with a serrated knife into 12/9/6 equal portions. Arrange in prepared pans, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise 35 to 40 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°F.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until puffed with golden tops, and hollow-sounding when tapped.
Combine frosting ingredients and stir with a whisk until smooth (this may also be done in a food processor fitted with the metal “s” blade, or with a hand mixer).
Let cool 20 to 25 minutes before frosting. Spread or drizzle cream cheese frosting to taste.
Cream Cheese Frosting
Ingredients 2
pounds dough = 24 cinnamon swirl rolls

Lowfat cream cheese 4 ounces 3 ounces 2 ounces

Unsalted butter, at room temperature 14cup 3 tablespoons 2 tablespoons

Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon 34teaspoon 12teaspoon

Powdered sugar, sifted 112cups 118cups 34cup

Lowfat milk 1 tablespoon 214teaspoons 112teaspoons

Nutritional information per serving (one roll):

Calories 239 (31% from fat) • carb. 37g • pro. 4g • fat 8g • sat. fat 5g • chol. 43mg • sod. 138mg • calc. 36mg • fiber 1g