3-3-7 Provision
Provisioning is a function that automatically updates your VoIP Router’s configuration by using a TFTP, FTP, or HTTP server located on the Internet. If you have access to such service, you will need to know the URL or IP address of the Provisioning Server.
Note: Fill in the parameters needed by your VoIP Service Provider. Please check with your VoIP Service Provider about the availability of these services.
Enable Auto Provisioning: Check the box to start provisioning.
Provision Server Address: Enter the Provisioning Server’s IP address or URL required by your VoIP Service Provider.
Port: Enter the Provisioning Server’s listening port.
Packet Format: Use the
Verify Servers Certificate: It is used for Provision Server certification while HTTPS packet format is in use.
Connect Provision Server During Start Up: Check the box to connect to Provisioning Server when the VoIP Router is powered on or rebooted.
Connect Provision Server Periodically: Check the box to connect to Provisioning Server periodically.
Auto Provision Interval: Enter the time for auto provisioning.
Random Offset: Enter the offset of the time for auto provisioning.