5.8 INPUTS There are two optocoupled polarity insensitive inputs available on the M16 19-pin connector
of the reader: Input 1 (External Trigger) and Input 2, a generic input:
The External Trigger can be used in One Shot Mode or in Phase Mode. Its main functions
acquisition trigger in One Shot Mode
reading phase-ON/reading phase-OFF command in Phase Mode
The main functions of the general purpose Input 2 are:
second external trigger in Phase Mode
match code storage command when the Match Code option is enabled
The electrical features of both inputs are:
AB | Min. | V AB | Max. I IN Max.
Open 0 V 2 V 0 mA
Closed 4.5 V 30 V 10 mA
The active state of these inputs are selected in software. Refer to the VisiSet™ Help On
An anti-disturbance filter is implemented in software on both inputs so that the minimum
pulse duration is 0.5 milliseconds. This value can be increased through the software
parameter Debounce Filter, see the Digital I/O folder in the VisiSet™ Help On Line for further
These inputs are optocoupled and can be driven by both NPN and PNP type commands.
Polarity insensitive inputs assure full functionality even if pins A and B are
The connections are indicated in the following diagrams:
Pin Name Function
A Vdc Power Supply input voltage +
B I1A External Trigger A (polarity insensitive)
C I1B External Trigger B (polarity insensitive)
L GND Power Supply input voltage -
The yellow Trigger LED (Figure 19, 5) is on when the active state of the External Trigger
corresponds to ON.