Appendix B
Available Fonts and Barcodes
All character fonts and bar codes available with the Printer are described in this section. Each font and barcode have a name associated with it for use in programming.
Fonts 0 through 8 use the slash zero (Ø) conventions for distinguishing between the zero and the letter O. The slash can be removed with the label formatting command Z. These fonts are
The Triumvirate font number 9 is a proportional font, each character will take up a different amount of space when printed. For example, the letter W will be larger than the letter I.
Listed below are a few of the 29 scaleable font symbol sets that are accessible:
(US) ISO 6: ASCII Symbol Set, font code S00
(DN) ISO 60 Danish/Norwegian Symbol Set, font code S00 (IT) ISO 15: Italian Symbol Set, font code S00
(GR) ISO 21: German Symbol Set, font code S00
(FR) ISO 69: French Symbol Set, font code S00 (E5) ISO 8859/5 Latin 5 Set, font code S00
(E2) ISO 8859/2 Latin 2 Set, font code S00 (DT) DeskTop Symbol Set, font code S00
For a complete list of the scaleable font symbol sets refer to the Programmer's Manual.
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