w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
AREQUIRED .DLL FILE WAS NOT FOUND — The program that you are
trying to open is missing an essential file. To remove and then reinstall the program:
1 Click the Start button.
2 Click Control Panel.
3 Click Add or Remove Programs.
4 Select the program you want to remove.
5 Click the Change or Remove Program icon.
6 See the program documentation for installation instructions.
INSERT BOOTABLE MEDIA — The operating system is trying to boot to a nonbootable floppy disk or CD. Insert a bootable floppy disk or CD.
NOT ENOUGH MEMOR Y OR RESOURCES. CLOSE SOME PROGRAMS AND TR Y AGAIN — You have too many programs open. Close all windows and open the program that you want to use. In some cases, you might have to restart your computer to restore computer resources. If so, try running the program that you want to use first.
OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND — Contact Dell (see page 84).
DRIVE — The file that you are trying to copy is too large to fit on the disk. Try copying the file to a blank disk or using a
x:\ IS NOT ACCESSIBLE. THE DEVICE IS NOT READY — Insert a disk into the drive and try again.