the software. To turn off a locked-up system, either press the power button a second time or press the reset button.

Dell ThermalShutdown Service

The Dell ThermalShutdown service helps protect components such as the system processor and the primary hard-disk drive from damage due to overheating. It can also protect your system data from loss or corruption resulting from a thermal-related system shutdown.

When installed, the service uses sensors to monitor the temperature of critical internal components. If a sensor detects a thermal event, the system first performs an orderly operating system shutdown and then turns itself off. During the shutdown phase, the power indicator flashes and a screen message notifies the user that the system is shutting down.

If the ThermalShutdown service is unable to shut down the system, the system will be shut down if Thermal Power-off is enabled in the System Setup program. (See "Thermal Power-Off" in for more information.)

CAUTION: The thermal sensors are always installed and operational. If the ThermalShutdown service is not installed and a thermal event occurs, the system turns off after approximately 3 minutes if Thermal Power-off is enabled in the System Setup program.

Auto Power On Utility

The Auto Power On utility (available for MS-DOS only) enables your system to automatically perform routine tasks in your absence. For example, you might want your system to turn on at night and perform a backup procedure. To use the utility, you need to create a batch file containing the command(s) or program(s) that you want performed in your absence. The Auto Power On utility determines whether system power was turned on by the power button or by the Auto Power On setting in the System Setup program and passes this information on to your batch file, which initiates the appropriate commands at system start-up. See "Auto Power On" in for information on setting Auto Power On in the System Setup program.

The following example shows the contents of a possible batch file.

NOTE: The first three lines of your batch file must match the first three lines in the following example.


if errorlevel 2 goto alarm if errorlevel 1 goto button :alarm

call alarm.bat autopowr /off :button

call button.bat goto end

The autopowr /off command turns off your computer.

Installing the Auto Power On Utility

The Auto Power On utility is already installed on your hard-disk drive. If you need to reinstall the Auto Power On utility, perform the following steps:

1.If you have not already done so, use the Program Diskette Maker to make a diskette copy of the Dell System Utilities diskette image on your hard-disk drive.>

The Program Diskette Maker is available through the Dell Accessories program folder. For more information, refer to the online help provided in the Program Diskette Maker.

2.With the backup diskette in drive A, copy from the diskette to a directory of your choice on your hard-disk drive.

If the path statement in your autoexec.bat file does not already contain the directory in which you reinstalled the Auto Power On

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Dell 610 technical specifications Dell ThermalShutdown Service, Installing the Auto Power On Utility