•When the main battery is charging, the power button light is solid amber.
•When the device relays a notification, the power button light flashes green.
— Use the touch screen and the stylus to enter information into your device. See "Entering Information" on page 37.
HO M E B U T T O N — Press this button to launch Home or to turn on the device.
IN B OX B U T T O N — Press this button to launch your Inbox or to turn on the device.
S P E A K E R — Tap the speaker icon to adjust the volume.
N A V I G A T O R B U T T O N — Press the right, left, top, or bottom of the navigator button to move the cursor on the screen.
CO N T A C T S B U T T O N — Press this button to launch Contacts or to turn on the device.
CA L E N D A R B U T T O N — Press this button to launch Calendar or to turn on the device.
R E S E T B U T T O N — See "Performing a Reset" on page 24 for information on using the reset button.
R E C O R D B U T T O N — See "Recording a Message" on page 47 for information on using the record button.
•Press the scroll dial to perform actions similar to pressing <Enter> on a keyboard.
•Rotate the scroll dial up or down to perform actions similar to using the up- and
For information on the functionality of the scroll dial within programs, see Pocket PC Help.
SE C U R E DI G I T A L C A R D S L O T — See "Secure Digital Memory Cards" on page 24 for information on using Secure Digital memory cards.
About Your Device