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Tehnična pomoč

Če boste potrebovali pomoč v zvezi s tehničnim problemom, vam je Dell vedno na razpolago. Oglejte si CD ploščo PowerConnect, ki ste jo prejeli z vašim PowerConnect stikalom za priklop napajanja. Tam boste našli navodila, kako stopite v stik z Dellom.

Urejevalna obvestila

Elektromagnetna motnja (EMI) je vsak signal ali oddaja, emitirana v prostor ali prenesena vzdolž napajalnih ali signalnih kablov, ki ogroža delovanje radijske navigacije ali druge varnostne storitve ali resno ovira, moti ali ponavljajoče se prekinja pooblaščene storitve radijskih komunikacij. Storitve radijskih komunikacije vključujejo, vendar niso omejene le nanje, komercialne oddaje na ultrakratkih in srednjih valovih (FM/AM), televizijske oddaje, mobilno telefonijo, radar, nadzor zračnega prometa, pagerske sisteme in storitve osebnih komunikacij (PCS). Te pooblaščene storitve, skupaj z nenamernimi oddajniki kot so digitalne naprave, vključno z računalniškimi sistemi, vplivajo na elektromagnetno okolje.

EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility [Elektromagnetna ustreznost]) pomeni sposobnost različne elektronske opreme, da v skupnem elektromagnetnem okolju deluje pravilno. Čeprav je bil ta računalniški sistem konstruiran in izdelan v skladu z omejitvami, ki jih predpisujejo urejevalne agencije, to še ne pomeni, da ne more priti do motenj pri posamezni namestitvi. Če ta oprema res povzroča motnje radijskih komunikacij, kar lahko ugotovite z izmeničnem prižiganjem in ugašanjem naprave, vam priporočamo, da poizkusite odpraviti motnje z enim ali več od naslednjih ukrepov:

Preusmerite sprejemno anteno.

Spremenite položaj računalnika glede na sprejemnik.

Odmaknite računalnik dlje od sprejemnika.

Priključite računalnik na električno omrežje tako, da računalnik in sprejemnik ne bosta priključena na vtičnici iste veja omrežja.


Dell PowerConnect RPS - 600 Navodila za nastavitve

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Dell 2T227, RPS-600 setup guide Tehnična pomoč, Urejevalna obvestila

2T227, RPS-600 specifications

The Dell RPS-600, model 2T227, is a robust and efficient power supply solution designed specifically for Dell's PowerEdge servers. This unit is particularly favored in configurations where high availability and redundancy are critical components of the system architecture. The RPS-600 is known for its reliability and performance, making it an ideal choice for businesses that require consistent uptime.

One of the standout features of the RPS-600 is its impressive power output capacity of 600 watts, which provides ample energy supply for even the most demanding server configurations. This power supply unit operates efficiently, ensuring that the servers run optimally while consuming minimal energy. The high efficiency is supported by a design that meets the 80 PLUS certification, indicating that it operates at least 80% efficiency at various loads, thus minimizing wasted energy and reducing operational costs.

The RPS-600 is designed to work with Dell's redundant power supplies, allowing for seamless failover in case of any power supply failure. This feature is essential for enterprises that cannot afford any system downtime. The unit is equipped with a hot-swappable design, allowing IT administrators to replace the power unit without having to shut down the server, ensuring continuous operation during maintenance or upgrades.

In terms of connectivity, the RPS-600 features a standard input connector that ensures compatibility with a wide range of Dell servers. The power supply is also designed with built-in protections that safeguard against common electrical issues such as overvoltage, overcurrent, and short circuits. This enhances both the reliability and the longevity of the connected hardware.

Furthermore, the Dell RPS-600 supports a wide input voltage range, making it flexible for use in various environments and geographic locations. Its compact form factor allows it to fit seamlessly into server racks, maximizing space utilization while ensuring optimal airflow and cooling.

Overall, the Dell RPS-600,2T227, embodies advanced features and technologies that cater to the demands of modern data centers and businesses. With its focus on efficiency, reliability, and ease of maintenance, it remains a top choice for organizations looking to enhance their server's performance while ensuring maximum uptime and minimal operational costs.