Country (City) | Department Name or Service Area, | Area Codes, |
International | Website and | Local Numbers, and |
Access Code |
| |
Country Code |
City Code |
U.S.A. (Austin, | Automated | |
Texas) | AutoTech (portable and desktop | |
| ||
International | computers) |
Access Code: 011 | Consumer (Home and Home Office) | |
Country Code: 1 | Technical Support | |
| ||
| Customer Service | |
| DellNet™ Service and Support | |
| |
| Employee Purchase Program | |
| (EPP) Customers |
| Financial Services website: |
| |
| Financial Services (lease/loans) | |
| Financial Services (Dell Preferred | |
| Accounts [DPA]) |
| Business |
| Customer Service and Technical | |
| Support |
| Employee Purchase Program | |
| (EPP) Customers |
| Printers and Projectors Technical | |
| Support |
Caution: Safety Instructions